The Nomenclature
Trikonasana is also known as the ‘Triangle Posture’. The term ‘Trikonasana’ is derived from the Sanskrit words ‘Tri’ meaning ‘three’; ‘Kona’ referring to ‘angle’; ‘Trikona’ connoting triangle and ‘Asana’ meaning ‘Posture’. Therefore ‘Trikonasana’ means assuming a posture whereby your feet resembles the three sides of a triangle.
Important Points
- The standing method used in this Trikonasana variation is akin to the one used in Chakrasana. The only difference is in the position of the legs.
- Trikonasana is an alternative to Ardha Matsyendrasana. Both operate on the same principles.
- Pregnant women should not practice this asana.
- Commence this asana by standing erect.
- Place your feet comfortably apart (generally a 24 inches or the measurement of two common rulers should suffice).
- Do the movements rhythmically and as if they flow form one side to the other.
- Once you place your feet in the comfortable position, keep them stiff and straight.
- Neither should you lift your feet from the ground nor allow them to slip.
- Slowly inhale.
- As you exhale, do the following exercise.
- Now stretch your arms sideways.
- Keep them parallel to the ground.
- Extend them at the shoulder level.
- Rotate your head and trunk to your right side.
- Bend down.
- Place your right fingertips on your left toe.
- Stretch your left arms perpendicularly upwards.
- Transfer your gaze towards the right toe and then again at the raised fingertips.
- Look towards the raised left fingertips.
- Completely exhale!
- Remain in this position for at least five seconds.
- Stand erect and relax!
- Take a deep breath slowly.
- Hold on to your breath for about five seconds.
- While you exhale, repeat the above movement with the opposite side.
- One round is completed when you do Trikonasana both ways.
- You can thus carry out three rounds.
Breathing Exercise to Relax
- Before commencing a round, breathe normally.
- The novices can continue breathing normally while doing Trikonasana.
- After you master the art, slowly inhale deeply as you stretch out your arms sideways.
- Gradually exhale completely as you twist sideways your trunk.
- Keep on holding out to your breath as you touch the toe.
- It’s only when you return to the original position that you inhale again.
- After completing the three rounds, you should keep the feet in the same position.
- Now, bend downward from the waist and exhale even as you slowly swing the hands sideways five times.
- Gradually return to the standing position and inhale.
- Wait for about three seconds. Breathe normally.
- Again, do this bending downward breathing movement.
- You can do this thrice.
- This breathing exercise (as you comfortably stretch your legs and gradually swing your hands sideways) can be done whenever you feel tired or fagged out say during a busy day or after jogging, hiking, sprinting or even after doing some strenuous exercise or job.
- You can also make use of the variation.
- Of course, after you do the first model mentioned above, you can do the variation model as a supplement to the former.
- The variation model is done in the following manner:
- Remember that the variation model can also include three rounds. One round consists of movements in both sides. Therefore three rounds would mean total movements of six movements.
- Having completed the rounds in the first stage, relax and breathe normally for about three seconds.
- Stand erect with your feet comfortable apart.
- Keep the fingers close together.
- As you slowly inhale deeply, slowly make your hands tense by your sides.
- Raise the right arm overhead.
- Keep the right palm turned upwards and the left palm by your side open downwards.
- The inside portion of your right upper arm should be touching your ears.
- Look ahead.
- Stay in this position as you complete inhalation. This is the time to begin the actual variation model.
- Commence the variation model as you begin exhaling.
- Keeping the shoulder raised, slowly bend together your head, trunk and the shoulders right from the waist to your left.
- Don’t bend your raised arm at the elbow.
- Keep your knees and hips still and stiff as you bend the right arm laterally over the left leg.
- Press the raised upper arm against your ear.
- Stretch out to the maximum limit.
- Remain in this position for about five seconds as you complete the exhalation and return to standing position.
- Slowly inhale deeply.
- Wait for about three seconds. Breathe normally.
- Repeat the exercise the other side.
- One round consists of bending both ways once.
- So you can do four rounds to complete a cycle.
- Having completed one cycle, do the bending downward breathing movement thrice.
- After you do the bending downward breathing movement thrice and return to the standing position, breathe normally.
Trikonasana has advantages for the entire body – therapeutical as well as physical.
- Trikonasana is an ideal exercise to alleviate pains in various portions of the body.
- You will get relief from pains in the knees, waistline, joints, hips, elbows and the neck besides back pain.
- If you suffer from sciatica, do Trikonasana slowly.
- Trikonasana improves digestive power.
- Trikonasana also boosts appetite.
- Constipation is cured.
- Regular movement of bowels is ensured.
- Urinary problems also get cured.
- Trikonasana is particularly effective against enteroptosis.
Physical Advantages
- Your entire body gets stretched.
- Therefore, Trikonasana limbers up the entire body.
- Women can use Trikonasana to exercise their pectoral muscles (that hold the breasts).
- Trikonasana corrects posture.
- The regular practitioner of Trikonasana will also gain in height.
- Trikonasana grants a dedicated practitioner grace and the optimum posture according to his/her constitution.
- Trikonasana is ideal for people who basically have a sitting job. This asana can be easily done in the workplace too. Trikonasana can also be done the first thing in the morning to get over lethargic feeling.
- Your back will remain straight.
- Trikonasana loosens up your pelvis region.
- Your body will become well proportioned.
- Minor deformities of the shoulders and legs are corrected.
- Trikonasana makes your hips and waist flexible.
- Your adrenal and thymus glands will be stimulated.
- Your face besides the parathyroid and thyroid glands get increased blood supply.
- When you do Trikonasana, you will also exercise your eyes.
- Trikonasana further exercises the buttocks and the hips.
- Your excess flab in the hips, waist and abdomen will be reduced.
- Trikonasana massages the flanks.
- The pelvic organs and the abdominal muscles are stretched and exercised.
- Tension marks in the neck is checked.
- Trikonasana expands the chest by stretching the chest muscles.
- The intercostal muscles are alternately stretched and relaxed.
- When you do Trikonasana, the entire vertebral column becomes flexible.
- The vertebral column goes through a vibrant rotary twist and a lateral stretch.
- Trikonasana works upon all the lateral muscles and ligaments.