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5 Natural Ways Of Staying Young

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Natural Ways Of Staying Young

We live in a world that is obsessed with preserving youthfulness. Unfortunately, we are bombarded with products that promise to help us stay young but often actually cause more harm than anything else. Chemical-based creams and cosmetics, dangerous diets, and plastic surgery are just some of the “magic” solutions offered. What many people don’t know is that there are several simple, natural ways to look after oneself, ensuring that the body and soul feel youthful for decades upon decades. No magic, no false promises, just simple, common sense. For those wanting to feel great and look great the following tips are priceless:

Proper Diet Plan

First and foremost natural ways of staying young – be aware of what you’re putting into your body. You should aim to eat nutritious food-fruits and vegetables in abundance and daily. There is no need to cut anything out of one’s diet- carbohydrates, fats, sugars, and proteins can all be consumed in moderation. Moderation is the key to healthy eating do not rule out entire food groups more often than not this can lead to cravings and subsequent over-eating. Eat well, eat in moderation and enjoy the food you’re eating and you can’t go wrong.

Water, water and more water

Water should be your choice of drink, avoid the manufactured, sugar-filled sodas. The best way to hydrate yourself all too often is the water, people think they are hungry when in actuality, they are thirsty learn to drink when you start to be hungry, and sometimes that is just what your body needs. Get into the habit of carrying around a water bottle with you so that you can drink regularly throughout the day and that way you shouldn’t get to the point where you think you are hungry but are thirsty when you feel hungry you will be hungry. For the coffee-drinkers among us, be aware that each cup of coffee dehydrates the body by two cups worth of water, make sure to even out the drying effects of coffee by drinking plenty of water too.

Beauty Sleep

You need to find out how much sleep you need to feel refreshed and ready for a new day. The amount of sleep needed varies from person to person. Make sure to try and sleep your magic number of hours of sleep every night. It is also preferable to try and go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day. Adequate sleep allows for a sharp mind, a rested body, and a glow of beauty.

Make sure you are up and moving every day for at least half an hour. Even a half-hour walk can have tremendous health benefits, increasing your metabolism, fighting disease, and keeping body and brain fit. Regular exercise is also proved to better one’s mood. Exercise is a fantastic way to fight stress and an excellent way to keep one young in body and spirit, whereas stress is the main contributor to aging.

Throw back your head and laugh!

Children laugh hundreds of times a day, adults laugh less than twenty times a day. Take a leaf out of carefree children’s books and learn to laugh as much as possible daily. Practically you can do this by surrounding yourself with positive, upbeat people and enjoying life!

Spread the love

Those who love themselves and those around them are on the path to long-lasting youthfulness! and probably the best formula to natural ways of staying young. They enjoy physical and emotional benefits even if you are not a newly-married couple, incorporate rituals in your marriage that allow you to fall in love with each other time and time again make a date night every week no matter what your schedules are like. It is these events that strengthen the couple’s bonds. When you love others and are loved in return you can’t help but feel eternally young.

Uriel Sella is the owner of, a Jewish online store, where you can find Ahava Beauty products and more. Visit us now!

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