What is Iyengar Yoga ?
Iyengar Yoga, named after and developed by B.K.S. Iyengar, is a form of Hatha Yoga that is characterized by great attention to detail and precise focus on body alignment. .
Iyengar Yoga often makes use of props, such as belts, blocks, bolsters, benches and blankets etc. as aids in performing asanas. The props enable students to perform the asanas correctly, minimizing the risk of injury or strain, and also allowing elderly, injured, tired or ill students to enjoy the benefits of many asanas via fully supported methods. No one is too old, too stiff or out of shape, all that is required is keen willingness to learn and a genuine curiosity about the subject .
Iyengar Yoga Centre- Yoganusasanam is located at 87, North Ex Model Town, Phase 2, Model Town, Delhi, 110009