About Us
Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankaradeva (1449-1568) was a multi-dimensional genius, who transformed and modernized Assamese society with his egalitarian ideology. He worked in diverse fields like religion, literature, music, dance, drama, architecture, social reconstruction, etc. He translated most part of the Bhagavata Mahapurana into Assamese language and was the first ever playwright in any Indian language other than Sanskrit. He wrote more than 26 (twenty six) scriptures mostly in Assamese language besides the Brajawali form and one in Sanskrit. In addition he had composed many lyrics/songs including the Borgeets. All these justify to call him SARVAGUNAKARA by his most loyal disciple Madhabadeva. His philosophy too was unique and different from other branches of Hindu philosophies. Above all he was a humanist. He welcomed every one irrespective of caste, creed, sex into his order. He was also a pioneer in adult education, mass communication, etc. He called upon the society to educate women and the downtrodden people.
Srimanta Sankaradeva founded a whole new school of art. He initiated a new form of painting with his epoch-making drama-festival Chihna-Yatra held in 1468 A.D. where he drew the imaginary pictures of heaven to be used as backdrops. He encouraged illustration of his manuscripts with pictorial depiction of stories from the Bhagavata. The Namghar founded by him has become a multi-dimensional institution and symbol of Assamese society. He visited many places of the Indian sub-continent and his impact was clearly felt in those regions, be it Yatra of Bengal, scroll painting of Odisha, plays of Mithila, etc.
Srimanta Sankaradeva Sangha was set up in 1930 in order to carry forward the reforms initiated by the saint. It is the largest NGO in North East India and it has been working relentlessly among the masses for inculcating the values preached by Srimanta Sankaradeva. It is running several schools in the state to spread value based education. The Sangha envisaged to establish a University and authorised its Srimanta Sankaradeva Education and Socio-Economic Development Trust, Nagaon to sponsor the establishment of the University. The Sangha submitted a proposal to the Government of Assam for establishment of the University under the Assam Private Universities Act, 2007. The Assam Legislative Assembly passed ‘The Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankaradeva Viswavidyalaya Act, 2013’. The Act of the Assam Legislative Assembly (Assam Act No. XIX of 2013) received the assent of the Hon’ble Governor of Assam vide : No. LGL.59/2013/16 and notified it in the Assam Gazette No. 351 dated 14th August, 2013.
The newly set up Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankaradeva Viswavidyalaya has formally been founded on 10th June, 2014. Though the University has been set up under the Private University Act, but it is designed as a people’s university, an institution for the entire people of Assam as well as India. It is located at Nagaon, the place blessed with the dust of the saint’s feet for more than half a century, since he lived half of his life at Bardowa, Nagaon. The Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankaradeva Viswavidyalaya fraternity firmly believes that a new era of social regeneration will start from this University.
Guided by the above vision along with the philosophy of universal brotherhood and spiritual wisdom as propagated by Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankaradeva, the University has been envisaged to be a center of excellence in the study and research focusing on the following:
Harmonizing technical excellence with spiritual and moral values.
Offering education in diverse fields to the poor and deprived sections of the society who are otherwise unable to pursue higher education, irrespective of caste, gender, and religion.
Addressing socio-economic issues such as an escalation of the rich-poor divide, rural-urban disparities, ethnic divides, environmental degradation, etc.
Study and research on the literary and cultural contributions of Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankaradeva and his disciples in the contextual relevance of today.
To produce persons capable of playing a dynamic role for accommodating new thoughts in the Knowledge-driven society, so that teaching and research may be pursued in a holistic spirit for cementing a productive relationship between academia and society.
To impart value-oriented education with humanistic insight in diverse fields of study so that the learners become morally strong, intellectually efficient, socially committed, spiritually inspired to take part in the process of inclusive, sustainable growth and engage in the socio-cultural rejuvenation of lives.
Department of Yogic Science and Naturopathy is located at Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankaradeva Viswavidyalaya, Guwahati Campus, Rupnagar Rd, Guwahati, Assam 781007