Sukhasana means the ‘Comfortable posture’. This is the easiest of all asanas. You can even commence a yogic asana session by sitting…
Yoga Asanas
The Hatha Praddipika (I-32) explains Savasana thus: Savasana is akin to feigning death, albeit with normal breathing. This asana is the panacea…
The Srikrishnavalllabhacharya (P-250) in Yogashastra: Kirana Tika and the Jyotsna on Hathapradipika (III-79) encapsulates Sarvangasana yoga in its entirety. Sarvangasana yoga requires…
Notably, one should practise Halasana yoga only if you have mastery over Viparit Karani and Sarvangasana. Halasana yoga is complementary to Paschimotanasana.…
Ardha Halasana, commonly known as the Half Plough Pose, is a beginner-friendly yoga posture. It serves as a preparatory step for achieving…
The Gheranda Samhita (II—18) explains Dhanurasana thus: Your body will curve like a bow as you lie prostrate, stretch your legs like…
To derive the maximum theraupetical and physical benefits from Shalabhasana, one should practice Shalabhasana only after completing the Ardha Shalabhasana cycles. Shalabhasana…
The Ardha Shalabhasana has been explained in the Gheranda Samhita (II—39) thus: Here the main impetus is on your legs. Eminent sages…
The Gheranda Samhitta explains Bhujangasana thus: Place your body on the floor with your tummy touching the floor. Keep your palms on…
The Nomenclature Trikonasana is also known as the ‘Triangle Posture’. The term ‘Trikonasana’ is derived from the Sanskrit words ‘Tri’ meaning ‘three’;…